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How to enable OEM Unlock on Android Lollipop, Marshmallow

Google introduced a new security feature in Android from Android 5.0 Lollipop onwards. The new feature named as “OEM Unlock” has a meaningful purpose in the device. If you’ve tried rooting your device, unlocking its bootloader, flashing a custom recovery or ROM, you must have seen “OEM Unlock” option to be checked as a requirement for doing any of the aforementioned custom processes. In case you’re wondering what is this “OEM Unlock” and why you need to enable it on your Android device before flashing any custom images, we have the answer for you here. We will learn about OEM Unlock and also go through a method to enable OEM Unlock on Android in the succeeding guide.

What is OEM Unlock?

The original equipment manufacturer unlocking option in your Android device is there to restrict the flashing of any custom images and bypassing its bootloader. This new security feature resides in your Android Lollipop + device to ensure that your device is not directly flashable without having the OEM Unlock option enabled. For instance, if your Android device is stolen or someone is trying to play with your device. Luckily your Andorid device is password, pattern or pin protected and that someone is willing to flash some custom files on your device to get some data out of it or have access to it by flashing any custom images, he / she won’t be able to do so unless that person enables OEM Unlock from developer options. This is where this feature becomes handy. Custom images will be only flashed on your Android device if the option is enabled, if your device is already protected by some password or pin, no user will be able to enable this option. The only thing that can be done in this case is wiping the factory data, that will result in wiping the device completely, that means no one will be able to access your data in this case, but will loose it instead. That’s all about OEM Unlock. Now that you’ve an idea about what this OEM Unlock is, let’s go ahead andenable OEM Unlock on your Android Lollipop or Android Marshmallow device.

How to enable OEM Unlock on Android Lollipop and Marshmallow

1.  On your Android device, go to settings.
2.  Now in settings, scroll all the way down and go to About device.
3.  Now in About device locate the build number of your device. If build number is not there in About device section, it must be inside About device > Software. Tap the build number for 7 times to enable developer options.
4.  Once you’ve enabled developer options, develop options will appear in settings just above the About device option.
5.  Open developer options, the 4th or 5th option should be “OEM Unlock”. Turn on the small icon next to it and that’s all. You’ve enabled OEM Unlock.
6.  Let us know if you’ve got any queries


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